Classes and Events

September 2024


19th 6:30 pm - Smoothies And “Milk” Shakes! Cooking Class!

Enjoy making and tasting “milk" from almonds, rice, oats, brazil nuts, and pumpkin seeds! Learn not only the AH-MAZING benefits of nut and seed milks and enjoy shakes and smoothies that are the BEST meal “replacements” you could ever have! Cost: $15



21st 10 am-7 pm- GRAND OPENING! Zuzu’s energy store! 

Spend the day with us and celebrate the opening of Lilly Fields Wellness Center and ZuZu’s Energy Health Food Store! Help kick us off with a ribbon cutting at 9:30am, then join us for FREE classes every hour, FREE samples, and FREE property tours at 11:45am and 3:45pm!


Diabetes - 10am

Heart Health - 11am

Property Tour - 11:45 am 

EMF and Grounding - 1pm

Gut Heath - 2pm

PCOS - 3pm.

Property Tour - 3:45pm 


28th  10 am-3 pm- Get To Know Your Supplements! 

Learn to read supplement labels to know how much filler, additives, OR herbs are actually in the product you are purchasing! See for yourself why 90% of EVERYTHING you find in other “health food stores” is NOT healthy, ,and will never be on a shelf at ZuZu’s Energy! Vitamins and minerals, just like supplements, are not created equal. Discover what to look for and how to use supplements to do just that - supplement your life! Taught by Clinical Herbalist and Pharmaceutical Technician (18 years) Christopher Conklin and Karen (ZuZu) Armes HHP, TNC, AHHC. FREE CLASS!!

October 2024


3rd 6:30 pm - Taking The Fear Out Of Cancer: Living Cancer Free 

All our lives have been touched by cancer. Whether we currently have cancer, have had it, or have lost loved ones to it, cancer is a scary and misunderstood issue. Gaining an understanding of this epidemic can help anyone prepare their cells naturally. At the cellular level you can detect cancer, reverse most cancer naturally, and ultimately live cancer free! Learn what feeds cancer, what kills it, and what prevents cancer from growing inside of your amazing body. Karen’s cancer clients have seen amazing results and she believes it’s what you know that takes the fear and anger out of cancer. Cost: $15


17th 6:30 pm - You Can Live  With Energy & Stop Disease Before It Stops You! It’s a CELL THING 

Presented to tens of thousands, this is one of Karen’s favorite classes to teach! Learn how the systems of the AMAZING body work (digestive, circulatory, elimination, nervous, endocrine, and lymphatic), ways to heal naturally, and avoid illness the rest of your life! Enjoy learning about minerals, proteins and amino acids, the exciting anatomy in detail, your great immune system, and how different foods react in the body! If you desire vibrant health and fewer visits to the doctors’ offices, take control of your health and learn what you can do to have energy and Never be Sick Again! Cost: $15


24-27th - Women's Retreat! TOP 5 NON-SUPPLEMENT Ways To Heal Your Gut, Your Cycle, and Your Hormones! 

Join us in Hawkinsville, GA at Lilly Fields Wellness Destination, a 69-acre haven, and enjoy four days of amazing education, motivated speakers, beautiful views, fabulous friends and GREAT FOOD!  Each time women gather; the world heals a little more. CAN’T WAIT to see you there! Cost: $499


November 2024


5th 6:30 pm - How To Raise The Frequency Of Everyone Around You (without them knowing!)

Everything on earth (and in space) projects an overall frequency. The lamp on the desk, the cat on your lap, and each cell in the body give off a frequency. The frequencies you eat, drink, breathe, think, and surround yourself with, alter your emotional and overall health. Learn tips YOU can do that will change the literal state of those around you! We will use fun terms such as hertz, kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz, angstroms, electromagnetic frequencies, GS units, oscillations, wave cycles, conductive and insulating materials—but DON’T let this scare you! It’s me, ZuZu! It’s FUN and EASY science! Cost: $15


14th-16th No Fear Men's Retreat! 

Spend three days with men being MEN!  Besides ax throwing, basketball, volleyball, fishing, or fire building, lean tips from experts to having NO FEAR in your relationships, the bedroom, the kitchen, in your faith, or in protecting your family! Details and schedule online. Cost: $399



21st 6:30 pm - Women’s Health Class!

Acne, Breast Health, Cysts, PCOS, and Reproductive Issues are plaquing women today worldwide. BUT not in every culture! Discover the tips to having healthy breasts, a healthy vaginal microbiome, eliminating cysts, endometriosis, and how to prevent EVER having painful menopause! Enjoy a class that covers it all (almost)! Cost: $15


December 2024


12th 6:30 pm – Party With Us! Enjoy The Most Amazing Pies and Cookies!

Enjoy tasting ZuZu’s 12 Days of Christmas treats! ALL gluten free and absolutely delicious! Having sold thousands of cookies and pies in her previous two stores in Wisconsin and Utah, this night is sure to delight! Bring a secret soul gift for a gift exchange and enjoy the holiday kick off with our Lilly Fields staff! PS – Bring YOUR favorite holiday dish to pass if you’d like! Cost: $15


All classes are subject to change and we add classes often!


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