Sep 15, 2024
Learn what you can do with your backpack of black dots, inspiration on how to forgive those who do not ask for it, and how to use your experiences to bless others without it becoming your identity! SO MANY inspiring quotes are shared during this call! Here is a sneak peek!
Forgiveness is for YOU not the other person Some people are prideful about their pride! They may not believe they have done anything wrong and certainly will not acknowledge it, or that they need to be forgiven. Forgive anyways.
The first to apologize is the bravest.
The first to forgive is the strongest and
The first to forget is the happiest.
When people express positive uplifting emotions such as kindness, love and forgiveness, biophotons can be caught on video coming from our cells. Biophotons are particles of light. The more positive feelings a person expressed the more they became filled with light! Literally!
And the opposite Negative and distressful thoughts, especially repeated, negative thoughts, become part of the network of the human cell. This dispels light and creates great darkness.
Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, "The light of the body is the eyeĶ¾ if therefore thine eye be single t o the glory of God thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness " (Matt. 6:2223Ķ¾ cf. JST Matt. 6:22 ).
In each of our lives we all have Saullike individuals with Paullike potential. Can you imagine how our families, our communities, and the world at large might change if we all tried to see each other as God sees us?