Our Mission

The mission of our Wellness Center at Lilly Fields is to awaken people's taste buds, expand the varieties of foods people are exposed to, inspire home cultivation, offer life-changing hands-on experiences in the garden and teach seed saving to preserve the precious varieties of plants on earth! Join us for an evening or full day class, a weekend retreat, or a summer camp to wake up your tastebuds, the desire for better health, and the realization that we truly DO have a hand in our future and in the future of humanity! 

Let's Connect!

We can’t wait to hear from you. Call or email us! 

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 478-972-8950

Calling Hours: Tuesday - Saturday

10 am - 6 pm

Karen (ZuZu) Ziemer Armes


Karen is well known in the natural health industry as an entertaining, science-based, motivating educator on fire to help the world discover better health! 

The Beginning.

Having grown up on medications for epilepsy, Karen desired to remove pharmaceuticals from her life. Using herbs and food, she became epileptic free and further studied to become a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner.  An accomplished author, and speaker, her passion for the body and life science is felt by all! Karen’s family of 12 ran wellness centers, organic grocery stores and organic cafes before she founded the international education site, HolisticHealthEducators.com. She traveled the country in 2022 seeking the location for the retreat center she was determined to build. After nine months of traveling, as she pulled into the driveway now Lilly Fields, God simply told her - this was it. Karen now resides with her husband Greg in Hawkinsville, Georgia. Her product line, Zuzu’s Energy, features handcrafted organic herbal tinctures, organic food staples, and products made and even grown at Lilly Fields!

Amy Sprouse 

Integrative Mental Health Educator, HHC/TNC, L1CC, Public Health 

Amy is a co-founder of Lilly Fields. She obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Public Health: Epidemiology from Brigham Young University, and  her Masters of Public Health from Johns Hopkin's Bloomberg School of Public Health. Amy teaches anatomy and physiology, holistic psychology, advanced nutrition, and coaching techniques at HHE. She has her L1 Crossfit Certificate and enjoys being a Holistic Health Coach and mental health educator to amazing clients when she is not working on HHE projects. She loves experiencing new cultures and has traveled through 20 countries on five continents (the longest time spent in South Africa, Taiwan, and Palestine). She speaks Mandarin Chinese and has a great passion for different cultures.

Christopher Conklin

Clinical Herbalist, TCM Practitioner, and 18 years as a Pharmaceutical Tech. 

Christophers love of herbs, Chinese Medicine, and life, are felt by all who met him.  Having struggled with weight issues since childhood (he lost over 150 pounds), as well as narcolepsy and Chrones, his compassion for others and their health issues is very relatable. He uses multiple forms of Chinese Medicine to help each of his clients, and they LOVE him!  Addiction gone after one treatment, PTSD, pain, and tension relieved, his gifts are amazing! 

LillyMay Rowley

Spunky and ALIVE!

 Lilly is a co-founder of Lilly Fields. Her desire to help as many people recover from unknown health ailments as possible, fuels her daily drive. Having suffered many years of her life from an undiagnosable health issue, she spent nearly five years of her teenage life bedridden. She traveled in and out of the country with her mother Karen, meeting with as many allopathic medical doctors, naturopathic doctors and professionals as they could find. To no avail, her heath continued to decline.  There were mornings she almost did not wake up. After years they discovered she had Dysautonomia. Her autonomic nervous system did not function, thus all of her automatic bodily functions (swallow, breath, heart beat, elimination, muscle movement) did not work properly. Using natural methods to help what allopathic doctors said was a life long disease, she lives a very full life with her husband Kevin. She is a florist and loves to decorate. Learn more about her journey with Dysautonomia HERE.


Lana Carter

The Wittiest 83 year old you may ever meet!

Lana is a co-founder of Lilly Fields. She lived and worked in Las Vegas for over 50 years, and absolutely nothing got by her. She's been in the front row at an Elvis Parsley concert (of course it was not her thing with all that loud music so she moved to a box seat), met celebrities at church and grocery stores, knows the owners and past owners of many area hotels and attractions, and was there when they took hotels down and watched them build new ones!  Lana enjoys sharing stories, having a good laugh, reading past cards and journals, taking a ride in her limousine (golf cart!) to see the property, and most of all, being in Hawkinsville, GA with family.  She tells everyone how happy she is and how she just can't believe how many shades of green there are!  And we all agree!

Mary Dillon


This center is founded in honor of the late Mary Dillon. a true pioneer of integrative healthcare. She loved her sister Lana, her family of her heart, lilies, her fellow students at Holistic Health Educators, and her Las Vegas community.  She learned everything she could about natural health and healing! She stood for everything this center seeks to accomplish.  She was a proud veteran who served as an Army nurse during the Vietnam war. We love and miss you Mary.

Lilly Fields Disclaimer

Lilly Fields Disclaimer - Lilly Fields Center is an all faith-based church community in Hawkinsville, GA. Every instructor or educator on staff is a minister. Lilly Fields Center is here to offer support, encouragement, and spiritual perspectives. While we strive to provide quality educational content and spiritual guidance, we cannot guarantee specific results or outcomes from participating in our classes or implementing the information provided on this website or on our social media posts. Everyone’s progress and experiences may vary. Any testimonials or success stories shared on this website are not indicative of guaranteed results and should not be construed as such. The natural modalities, therapies discussed, products, and thoughts or testimonies made about specific products or natural approaches to health issues made on or through this Site/Community/Social Media posts have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. No one employed by or representing Lilly Fields practices medicine or claims to be a Doctor of Medicine. Lilly Fields Center, this website, nor its classes, retreats, or events are intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Products, services, information, and other content provided on this Site, including information that may be provided on this Site through video, written content, or by linking to third-party websites or media posts are provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult with a medical physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information provided on this Site and its linked websites, including information relating to ailments and health conditions, treatments, and products, may be provided in summary form. Information on this Site is not comprehensive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatments. Please never disregard or delay medical advice based upon alternative information you may have read on this Site. Always consult with your medical doctor or healthcare professional prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic product or therapy, before beginning any exercise or diet program, or starting any treatment for a health issue. Comments made in any forums on this Site by employees or Site users are strictly their own personal views made in their own personal capacity. They do not necessarily represent the position or view of Lilly Fields Center, or of the team members and staff. The content on this Site, that is presented in our Videos, Bodcasts, and Blogs are protected under freedom of religion and speech.

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